
Performance Data


The following information shows the attainment of Grade Ruan School pupils at the end of the 2018/19 academic year.  End of Key Stage statutory performance data was not collected in 2020/21 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Children in their Reception Year [EYFS] are assessed through the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile. A good level of development indicates that a child is developing at the expected standard or exceeding the expected standard in the key areas of literacy, maths, physical development, communication and language and personal, social and emotional development.

Children in Year 1 have a phonics screening test in June to check on their progress.

Key Stage 1 - Year 2 Pupils - teachers are required to assess each child in May and the National Curriculum assessment tests [SATs] are used to support teachers' judgements.

Key Stage 2 - Year 6 Pupils - children in Year 6 are also assessed on their knowledge and understanding of the curriculum. The results of the KS2 SATs are reported using a scaled score, where 100 represents the expected standard. The highest possible score is 120 and the lowest 80.

All details of individual pupils’ test results and assessments are sent out with the end of term reports. Parents and carers have the opportunity to discuss results or any other issues highlighted by the reports before the end of term.

The following codes are used to describe pupils' performance:   GLD - good level of development; WTS –working towards the expected standard; EXS – working at the expected standard; GDS – working at greater depth than the expected standard; GPS - grammar, punctuation and spelling.

School data has been compared to the national average; however it should be noted that, due to the small number of pupils in some of our cohorts, this comparison may not be statistically meaningful. For example, if 1 pupil in a group of 10 fails to make expected progress, this will reduce figures by 10%. Whereas in a group of 30 this would only reduce figures by 3%.





End of EYFS [Reception]


  • 75% achieved GLD; national average 71%

Year 1 Phonics check


  • 75% achieved EXS; national average 81%.              

End of KS1 - Year 2


4 pupils

  • 75% achieved EXS; national average 75%
  • 50%  achieved GDS; national average 25%


  • 75% achieved EXS; national average 69%
  • 25% achieved GDS; national average 15% 


  • 75% achieved EXS; national average 75%

End of KS2 - Year 6


12 pupils


  • 100%  achieved EXS; national average 73%
  • 41%  achieved GDS; national average 27%
  • Average school scaled score 108.7; national 104.4 


  • 100% achieved EXS; national average 78%
  • 42% achieved GDS; national average 36%
  • Average school scaled score 109.3; national 106.4


  • 84% achieved EXS; national average 79%
  • 25% achieved GDS; national average 27%
  • Average school scaled score 105.3; national 105.1


  • 91% achieved EXS; national average 78%
  • 25% achieved GDS; national average 20%
  • Teacher assessed (no test)

End of Y6 Combined Measure

[Reading, Writing & Maths] 

  • 83.3% achieved EXS in ALL 3 subjects; national average 65%
  • 8.3% exceeded EXS

Y2 to Y6 Progress Measure

  • Average of READING progress: + 4.56 [TEST]
  • Average of WRITING progress:  + 2.33 [TA]
  • Average of MATHS progress: + 0.64 [TEST]
You can view the Department for Education school performance tables by clicking on the link below.

Grade-Ruan C of E Primary School
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